
The 2020 edition of ARTeFACTo, Artech International’s 11th organisation of an International Conference,  is focused on Digital Creation in Arts and Communication.

ARTeFACTo 2020 will be held on the 26th and 27th of November 2020 at the University of Algarve campus of Penha, in Faro, Portugal and will be hosted by CIAC, the Research Centre in Arts and Communication.

The goal of the conference is to promote interest in the current digital media culture and its intersection with art, communication and technology as an important research field, while focusing on the study of the digital media artefacts, embracing topics covering their conceptualization, design, creative/art practice/research processes, computational implementation, exhibition and fruition as well their role in today’s information and knowledge society, fostering the establishment of the conceptual foundations of an artefact theory in the digital media world.

ARTeFACTo 2020 aims at giving greater visibility to artefact creators and researchers, theorists or practitioners, establishing a common space for the discussion and exchange of new experiences, while fostering better understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, we cordially invite scholars, teachers, researchers, artists, computer professionals, and others who are working within the broadly defined areas of digital media arts,  communication, culture and education, with specific focus on artefacts and artistic installations to join us.

ARTeFACTo 2020‘s International Scientific and Artistic Committee is composed of experts in various disciplines. The conference program will consist of keynote speakers by eminent specialists, oral presentations (local and remote, via web-conferencing) of the contributed papers, art installations, videos and posters of  work in progress.

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