
Proceedings (click to download

26th of November

(click the titles/links for online sessions)

09:00 Opening Session

  • Algarve University Dean
  • President of Artech-International
  • Director of CIAC
  • Director of ESEC-UAlg
  • International Scientific and Artistic Committee Chairman

9:30 Keynote

Session chair: Bruno Mendes da Silva

Jeffrey Shaw
City University of Hong Kong
Inventing New Media Art
The practices of New Media Art today offer a fecund spectrum of expressions that build worlds and forge experiences based on the radical expansion of the aesthetics of intercommunication. Its galvanic concerns are embodied engagement; prosthetic perception; the mergence of the real and virtual; the re-enactment of cultural heritage; the antipodal bounty and blight of technology; narrative after story-telling; the singularity of art and the pharmacological imperative for its constant re-invention. In his keynote Professor Jeffrey Shaw will elucidate a forty-year art practice that ranges between expanded cinema and virtual reality, showing examples of work that describe the reformulation of narrative as a situation of emergent visualization and interaction. He will also describe recent projects he has been making with Professor Sarah Kenderdine that transform cultural heritage data into compelling narratives of engagement. These works together demonstrate the opportunities for new media art to generate a rich re-imagining of our cultural histories, presents and futures.

10:15 Keynote

Session chair: Adérito Marcos
Piet Kommers

Creative Identity in the Networked Society
As citizens participate in social networks, they experience a continuous challenge to excel in personal manifestation through images, network relationships etc.. This keynote highlights the cultural evolution that will affect the post-Corona period starts. Both Education, Care and Arts suffer from the current lock-downs. Inevitably, students, patients and artists will try to recover from the painful social isolations and new opportunities to start new business models; Virtuality, mobile- and vicarious modes of participation are going to lift off. The question is how citizens are going to manifest themselves on the web. Examples and thought frames will be provided.

11:00 Panel Session #1 (Special Track – Short papers – 10 mins; full papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: António Araújo

  • Filipa de Araújo CristinaA identidade multifacetada e a (des)construção do
    corpo – A dataveillance na génese do meta-data-human e o conceito de
  • Rui TravassoPost-modern Auschwitz: Action or Abstention?Auschwitz do Pós-Moderno: Ação ou Abstenção?
  • Sara Cruz – Pelo Futuro do Passado – Uma instalação que (re)conecta a relação do homem com a natureza.
  • Anastasia Tyurina – South Bank Aesthetics and Visual Ambiguities of Scientific Images
  • Marco Heleno, Miguel Carvalhais, Nuno Correia – Perceptron Explanator: Developing intuition into a perceptron’s decision-making process through explanatory visualization
  • Nádia Moura, Sofia Serra, André Baltazar – Qualitative perspectives on gesture in saxophone performance: two case studies
  • Cassandra Loh, Kiarna Michie, Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Junjira Sanguanrachasab, Casey Strickland, Nolwazi Mpofu, Tatiana Tavares – Te roopu waiora e inclusão na Nova Zelândia. Um projeto de design para uma ONG Māori dedicada a deficientes.

12:45 Lunch break

14:00 Panel Session #2 (full papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Pedro Calado

  • Maria Fragoso, Ângela Ferreira – A Fotografia híbrida numa era de catástrofes The Hybridism of Photography in a era of catástrofes
  • Hugo Canossa, Rosimária Rocha – Artefactos à Distância;
    A nova media-arte em tempos de pandemia 2020
  • Nívia Barboza Ferreira, Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Sérgio Nesteriuk Gallo –  Interfaces entre o design de games e as ciências do esporte: uma metodologia para desenvolvimento de um simulador de rugby
  • Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Tatiana Tavares – Design Social: Uma experiência educativa da Nova Zelândia
  • Priscila Almeida Cunha Arantes – Estética da Interface: net arte, redes sociais e cultura contemporânea
  • Milton Terumitsu Sogabe – The mutable in the post digital context: in the objects of design and art

16:00 Parallel Panel Session #3.1 (full-papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Pedro Veiga

  • Marilia Bergamo, Jon McCormack – Poetics of Complexity Intersections between scientific conceptions of Complexity Systems and Cybernetic Art
  • Andréa Catrópa – SONHÁRIO DE PRAGA A manipulação dos algoritmos de busca a partir do desejo
  • Libby Clarke – Collaborative cARTography Playable Cartography in rural
    communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Luciano Marafon, D. Araujo – Black Mirror: Bandersnatch e USS Callister *
    Interatividade e polifonia intertextual em conteúdos pós-mídia
  • David van Vliet, Marcos Mortensen Steagall – Duregraph Uma pesquisa conduzida pela prática, investigando a duração na imagem fotográfica

16:00 Parallel Panel Session #3.2 (full-papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Jorge Carrega

  • Matheus Montanari – Algorithmic Landscapes Exploring the algorithmic
    dimension of the landscape through art
  • Joana Lessa – “Masking” emotion – Reflections on face-to-face Communication and speculative design practice in the time of COVID-19
  • Anthony Brooks – Electrorganic ARTefact
  • António Araújo – A GeoGebra Tool for Drawing Immersive Perspectives
  • Rosimária Rocha, Hugo Canossa – Assum Livre: Do ecrã-gaiola para o mundo
    existencial From screen-cage to the existential world
  • Clément Caporal, Cecília de Lima, Rui Antunes – Boidance Software Expanding Dance Using Virtual Reality, Boids and Genetic Algorithms
17:30 Keynote
Session chair: António Costa Valente
Gonzalo Frasca
Universidad ONT
Math, Storytelling and Games: transmedia learning in Nordic schools

For the last 5 years, school students in Finland and Norway have been learning math through a combination of printed textbooks, digital and physical games and storytelling. This talk will analyze the challenges of designing “DragonBox School”, a transmedia learning solution conceived for developing mathematical thinking.


18:30 Social Program (Galeria Trem)

Book presentation and art installation by Pedro Cabral Santo

27th of November
University of Algarve, Penha Campus,
School of Education and Communication (ESEC),
Room UP

Live Stream: 

9:00 Registration and Reception

10:00 Panel Session #4 (full-papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Ana Soares

  • Pedro Andrade Pessoa – Effect within Viral Society: Viral Sociological Poetry
    using Apps and e-Books Anti-Virus
  • Haroldo Gallo, Filipa O. Antunes, Paulo Ferreira, Marcos Tognon, Heloisa M. Pereira – Resilience in drawing teaching during the covid-19 pandemic: International academic partnerships
  • Hugo de Azevedo, António Araújo – Towards a Canon for Digital Human Anatomy 3D Modeling

11:00Coffee Break

11:15 Panel Session #5 (full-papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Maria Caeiro

  • Cayetano Jose Cruz Garcia, Francisco F. de Veja, Patricia Hernández, Mario García – Valdez Interpreting emotions in an evolutionary art process∗ Artists’ perception from the inside
  • Selma Pereira, Adérito Marcos – O processo criativo na era pós-digital: uma
    reflexão crítica baseada na prática artística
  • José Domingues – Emotion recognition with Deep Learning: An application to
    Video Games

13:00 Lunch

Lunch and visit to artistic installations (the installations take place throughout the day)

  • Hugo Canossa, Rosimária Rocha Pandemicz Visualz Show (On &) Off
  • Juliana Wexel – Ivagination
  • Paulo Castro e Rui Torres – Tópicos cartesianos atípicos

14:30 Panel Session #7 (short papers – 10 mins)

Session chair: Mirian Tavares

  • Éden Peretta, Daniela Mara, Lucas Rodrigues, Vinícius Amorim, Diego Abegão, Laura Reis, Gabriel Machado, Frederico Amorim, Panmella Ribeiro, Danilo Felisberto – Não alimente os peixes
  • Paulo Alexandre e Castro, Rui Torres – Tópicos cartesianos atípicos. Filosofia
    textual generativa a partir de quatro proposições fundamentais
  • Francisca Rodrigues – Revolução Ou o loop infinito
  • Juliana Wexel – Des-instalação artística a spin-off audiovisual: um registro
    homônimo do artefacto interativo ivagination

15:30 Panel Session #8 (full-papers – 15 mins)

Session chair: Paulo Alves

  • Cibele Saque, António Costa Valente – Desenho e Movimento. Desenvolvimento vegetativo, transformação e animação
  • Paulo Bernardino Bastos – Operacionalidades visuais: a intencionalidade através da imagem e a sua dimensão artística
  • Grécia Falcão – Paisagem e sua construção “prático-sensível” em exibições de arte. Landscape and its “practical-sensitive” construction in art exhibitions
  • Juliana Wexel, Mirian Estela Nogueira Tavares – Curadoria em média-arte digital: Relato sobre ivagination, uma des-instalação interativa em tempos de
    distanciamento social

16:45 Coffee Break

17:00 Closing Session

  • President of Artech-International
  • Local Committee Chairman

18:00 Faro Museum

Guided tour

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