Submit here:
ARTeFACTo 2020 has the format of a conference with technical sessions, invited talks, discussion panels, and exhibition areas for artefacts and installations. Contributions can be in the form of full papers, short papers and proposals for artefact exhibitions / art installations.
Authors are invited to submit:
- A full paper of six to ten pages for oral presentation. Artefact descriptions are welcome, embracing part or the overall creation process, from seminal concept, implementation until the final exhibition preparation or the fruition experience analysis;
- A short paper up to four pages of the conceptual and technical information concerning artefact / art installations and interactive artwork proposals.
Submissions are accepted in the conference official languages: English and Portuguese*.
*If your paper or artefact / installation proposal is in Portuguese, please prepare an English version of the title and abstract.
ARTeFACTo 2020 uses a double-blind reviewing process. As such, submitted papers / artefacts / installation proposals should not have any author and institutional identification in the title and header areas, nor in the body of the paper.
Explicit self-references should be avoided, instead, authors citing their own prior work should discuss it in the third person (“Previous work by <Author> [X1]…” instead of “In our previous work [X1]…”). Authors should also avoid mentioning the names of institutions where the work was done (“participants were recruited from the university campus”, instead of “participants were recruited from the <Institution name>”). Authors should also avoid clear identification of their affiliation in figures and supplementary material and remove metadata from submission files.
In addition to the anonymized text for each paper, separate identification info must be provided at Easy Chair:
- Name, organization, country and e-mail addresses of each author
- Name of the contact author
- A list of keywords
Submissions deadline: 2nd August 2nd September
Acceptance notice: 20th September
Final version: 4th October
Submissions must follow the ACM guidelines.
The template is available here.
In addition to author keywords, authors must provide a classification for their papers using ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). The classification system is available at You should examine the CCS thoroughly, but we recommend looking particularly inside the following categories:
- Information systems -> Information systems applications
- Information systems -> Multimedia information systems
- Human-centered computing
- Applied computing -> Arts and humanities
Technical questions regarding the template can be directed at
Photos, color pictures or graphics must be inserted only in two pages (full paper) or one page (short paper, artefact/installation proposals).
The submission of a paper or art installation implies the intention of at least one of the authors to register and attend to the conference in order to perform a spoken presentation. Papers that are accepted and presented at the conference by one of the authors will appear in the conference proceedings. The final version of accepted papers should be submitted with the name of the authors and institutions (there’s no need for a further blind review).
Authors of selected papers presented in the conference (including essays describing the best art installations) will be published primarily in the ARTeFACTo Journal and also invited to submit extended versions to other selected journals.
Authors of selected papers presented in the conference (including essays describing the best art installations) will be published primarily in the ART(e)FACT(o) Journal and also invited to submit extended versions the International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (
Several authors are going to present an article to the congress.
I have seen that there is the possibility of exposure. Too? Is it independent of the article?
– On the other hand, I can’t find the indication of the number of words for the abstract. Can you tell me, please?
– Also: In the template it indicates “2018. Insert Your Title Here: Insert Subtitle Here. In Proceedings of ACM Woodstock conference (WOODSTOCK’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages. /10.1145/1234567890 “I imagine this section is empty, or is that the DOI for all documents?
Best regards
Cayetano Cruz
Extremadura University
Dear Cayetano Cruz,
Thank you for your message.
An exhibition of selected artefacts will be arranged, provided the global health conditions allow for it. All artefacts at the exhibition must have an accompanying short article, since that will be the only means to select them.
As for the abstract, you may consider 200 words as a suitable limit.
The template is valid for all conferences, therefore it will need adaptation for ARTeFACTo as well. You must provide the title and (optional) subtitle. A more refined adaptation and the accompanying instructions will be sent to the accepted submissions, after a least one author has confirmed the attendance (either local or virtual). Only then will the individual DOI be generated. For now you can leave that section as it is in the template.
Best regards
Pedro Veiga
Olá, eu havia escrito o meu artigo tentando deixá-lo no molde de full paper (aproximadamente 8 páginas em documento de Word com apenas 1 coluna) .
No entanto, no momento em que fui aplicá-lo ao modelo (template) disponível, ele ficou como um short paper de 4 páginas, ainda que as referências alcancem até o início da quinta página. Então, o cadastrei como short paper. Isso está correto?
Bom dia,
Obrigado pela participação e interesse na ARTeFACTo 2020.
Se houver necessidade de alguma alteração posterior, o comitê científico dará essas indicações.
Saudações académicas
Boa tarde,
fiquei em dúvida se somente artigos apresentados na conferência serão publicados.
Não existe a opção de publicação sem apresentação?
Caso existe será no journal do evento?
Desde já agradeço a atenção.
Bom dia,
Os artigos serão publicados, à semelhança da edição anterior da conferência, em livro de Proceedings próprio, e alguns autores selecionados serão convidados a publicar noutras publicações científicas.
Todos os artigos deverão ser apresentados, quer localmente, quer através de videoconferência.
Saudações académicas.