Adérito Fernandes-Marcos, ARTECH-International / University of Saint Joseph, Macao

Carlos Sena Caires, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Álvaro Barbosa, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Filipa Martins de Abreu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao

Gérald Estadieu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Prof. Sandra Olga Ng, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Li Xiao Dong – Chair of IEEE Macau Section, Macau University of Science and Technology

Filipa Martins de Abreu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Gérald Estadieu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Terence Lam, University of Macau

Sandra Olga Ng, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Daniel Filipe Farinha, University of Saint Joseph, Macao

Jerusa Antunes, University of Saint Joseph (USJ) 

Selma Pereira, 
Instituto Superior Manuel
Teixeira Gomes and CICANT, Lusófona University

Local Organiser – Prof. Filipa Martins de Abreu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Artech International – Prof. Pedro Alves da Veiga, Portuguese Open University (PT)

Anabela Wong
, University Secretariat Office, USJ, Macao
Hugo Domingos, University Secretariat Office, USJ, Macao

Rui Borges, University of Saint Joseph, Macao



Adam Nash, RMIT University (AU)
Adérito Fernandes-Marcos, ARTECH-International / University of Saint Joseph, Macao (CN)
Aleksei Lipovka, Siberian Federal University (RU)
Alexandra Cruchinho, Lusófona University (PT)
Alicia González-Pérez, University of Extremadura (ES)
Amilcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra (PT)
Ana Amélia Carvalho, University of Coimbra (PT)
Ana Cláudio Melo, Federal University of Pará (BR)
Ana Veloso, University of Aveiro (PT)
Anamaria Rezende Galeotti, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (BR)
Andrey Grigoriev, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (RU)
Andrew Denton, Auckland University of Technology (NZ)
André Baltazar, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
André Wilson Salgado, Federal Institute of Amazonas (BR)
Andre Perrotta, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Antenor Correa, University of Brasília (BR)
Anthony Lewis Brooks, Aalbor University (DK)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente (NL)
António Araújo, Portuguese Open University (PT) (Vice-President)
António Costa Valente, University of Algarve (PT)
Benjamin Falchuk, Peraton Labs (US)
Bongkeum Jeong, University of Madeira (PT)
Boris Vaitovic, Technical University of Kosic (SK)
Bruno Mendes da Silva, University of Algarve (PT)
Carlos Sena Caires, University of Saint Joseph, Macao (CN)
Cecilia de Lima, University of Lisbon (PT)
Cecilia Suhr, Miami University (USA)
Celso Prudente, Federal University of Mato Grosso (BR)
Cleomar Rocha, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Cristina Sá, Catholic University of Portugal – Porto (PT)
Daniel Brandão, University of Minho (PT)
David Mould, Carleton University (CA)
Dorotea Souza Bastos, Federal University of the Recôncavo da Bahia (BR)
Diogo Marques, Center for Portuguese Literature, University of Coimbra / wr3ad1ng d1g1t5 collective (PT)
Edson Pfutzenreuter, State University of Campinas (BR)
Eduardo Lima, Federal University of São João del-Rei (BR)
Emília Simão, Portucalense University / Portuguese Catholic University (PT)
Emilio Martinez, Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES)
Fabiana Wielewicki, Federal University of Amazonas (BR)
Fábio Santos de Andrade, Federal University of Rondônia
Fabrizio Augusto Poltronieri, De Montfort University (UK)
Filipe Salles, State University of Campinas (BR)
Gabriela Borges, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (BR)
Gavin Perin, University of Technology, Sydney
Gilbertto Prado, University of São Paulo (BR)
Gilvano Dalagna, University of Aveiro (PT)
Hanspeter Ammann, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Haroldo Gallo, State University of Campinas (BR)
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto
Helena Barranha, University of Lisbon (PT)
Hosana Celeste, Oliveira, Paulista State University (BR)
Ionat Zurr, University of Western Australia (AU)
Isabel Azevedo, ID+ University of Porto (PT)
Isabel Cristina Carvalho, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Isabel Soveral, University of Aveiro (PT)
Ivan Franco, McGill University (CA)
Joana Pestana, University of Porto (PT)
João Cordeiro, University of West London (UK)
João Paulo Queiroz, University of Lisbon (PT)
Jônatas Manzolli, State University of Campinas (BR)
Jorge Cardoso, University of Coimbra (PT)
Jorge Salgado Correia, University of Aveiro (PT)
José Alberto Gomes, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
José Gabriel Andrade, University of Minho (PT)
José Bidarra, Portuguese Open University (PT)
José Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (PT)
Júlio Borlido Santos, i3s – University of Porto (PT)
Leonel Morgado, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Lindsay Grace, University of Miami (USA)
Lucas Fabian Olivero, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Lucia Pimentel, Federal University of Minas Gerais (BR)
Lucia Santaella, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (BR)
Ludmila Pimentel, Federal University of Bahia (BR)
Luis Teixeira, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Luiz Carlos Ferreira , Federal Institute of Amazonas (BR)
Márcio Lobo Netto, University of São Paulo (BR)
Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Auckland University of Technology (NZ)
Marcos Mucheroni, University of São Paulo (BR)
Maria Amélia, Bulhões, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Maria de Lambert, Polytechnic Institute of Porto (PT)
Maria Luiza, Fragoso, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Maria Manuela Lopes, ESE – IPP, I3s- University of Porto and Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Mário Vairinhos, University of Aveiro (PT)
Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura (Cultural Association) (PT)
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University (FI)
Milton Sogabe, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Mirian Tavares, University of Algarve (PT)
Mirtes Oliveira, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Monica Tavares, University of São Paulo (BR)
Mónica Mendes, University of Lisbon (PT)
Nara Cristina, Santos, Federal University of Santa Maria (BR)
Né Barros, Balleteatro, ESAD – School of Arts and Design
Nelson Zagalo, University of Aveiro (PT)
Noeli Batista dos Santos, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Nuno Correia, Nova University of Lisbon (PT)
Nuno Dias, University of Aveiro (PT)
Nuno Martins, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
Nuno Do Nascimento Correia, University of Greenwich (UK)
Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro (PT)
Pau Alsina, Open University of Catalonia (ES)
Paulo Bernardino, University of Aveiro (PT)
Paulo Emílio, University of Pernambuco (BR)
Paulo Teles, State University of Campinas (BR)
Patrícia, Gouveia, University of Lisbon (PT)
Pavel Orlov, London School of Mathematics and Programming (UK)
Pedro Alves da Veiga, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Pedro Andrade, University of Minho (PT)
Pedro Cabral Santo, University of Algarve (PT)
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra (PT)
Pilar Pérez Autónoma University of Madrid (ES)
Priscila Arantes, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Rachel Zuanon, Anhembi Morumbi University
Ralf Doerner, Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences (DE)
Rosana Monteiro, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Rosangella Leote, São Paulo State University (BR)
Rogéria Eler, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Rogério Almeida, São Paulo University (BR)
Rui António, University of Algarve (PT)
Rui Penha, University of Porto (PT)
Selma Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (PT)
Sérgio Eliseu, University of Aveiro (PT)
Sol Alonso Romera, University of Vigo (ES)
Suzana Dias, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (PT)
Suzete Venturelli, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Teresa Barradas, Polytechnic Institute of Beja (PT)
Tiago Batista, University of Lisbon (PT)
Tiago Cruz, University Institute of Maia (PT)
Vasco Branco, University of Aveiro (PT)
Victoria Vesna, University of California in Los Angeles – Design Media Arts (USA)
Vítor Sá, Catholic University of Portugal – Braga (PT)
Filipe Pais, École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (FR)
Ianis Lallemand, Esad TALM-Le Mans / École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (FR)
Samuel Bianchini, École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (FR)
Gustavo Martins, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (PT)
Daniel Ribas, School of Arts, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Koray Tahiroglu, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland (FI)
Paulo Ferreira Lopes, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (G)
Hande Ayanoglu, Universidade Europeia (PT)
Raquel Morais, Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto (FBAUP), Portugal (PT)
Sheyla Zandonai, University of Macau (MO)
Mei Kei Lai, Macao Polytechnic University (MO)
Carlos Valente, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal (PT)

ART(e)FACT(o) MACAO 2024 is hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Saint Joseph, Macao S.A.R. (China).




“Creative Digital Intelligence”

Authors are invited to submit papers and exhibition artwork proposals from all areas related to creative digital art, emphasising artefacts, art installations, and general-purpose interactive artworks, which an international committee will review.

Descriptions of artistic practices, authorship or co-authorship with graphic records (such as images, diagrams, links to dynamic images, drawings, sketches, etc.) are valued.

The conference will be in hybrid mode and on-site with online participation.

ARTeFACTo2024MACAO conference format with technical sessions, invited talks, discussion panels, and exhibition areas for artefacts and installations. Contributions can be in full papers, short papers and proposals for artefact exhibitions/art installations.



Papers and Artefacts Submission Deadline
August 20th 2024
September 25th 2024
Extended Deadline – October 25th 2024

Acceptance Notice
November 25th 2024

Final Version
November 25th and 26th 2024

Early Bird Registration (all)
November 25th, 26th and 27th 2024

Author Registration Deadline
November 25th, 26th and 27th 2024

Participant Registration Deadline
December 3rd, 2024

Conference Days
December 5th and 6th, 2024

Online and Offline Presentations

CALL FOR Papers and Artworks 2024


“Creative Digital Intelligence”

Authors are invited to submit papers and exhibition artwork proposals from all areas related to creative digital art, emphasising artefacts, art installations, and general-purpose interactive artworks, which an international committee will review.

Descriptions of artistic practices, authorship or co-authorship with graphic records (such as images, diagrams, links to dynamic images, drawings, sketches, etc.) are valued.

The conference will be in hybrid mode and on-site with online participation.

ARTeFACTo2024MACAO conference format with technical sessions, invited talks, discussion panels, and exhibition areas for artefacts and installations. Contributions can be in full papers, short papers and proposals for artefact exhibitions/art installations.

Authors are invited to submit:

  • A full paper of six to ten pages for oral presentation. Artefact descriptions
    You are welcome to embrace part of the overall creation process, from seminal concept and implementation until the final exhibition preparation or the fruition experience analysis.
  • A short paper of up to four pages of conceptual and technical information concerning artefact/art installations and interactive artwork proposals.
    Remark: All artists can submit a short paper following the same guidelines for a 4-page paper.
  • Abstracts – Oral presentations at the conference sessions will be subject to approval by the scientific committee based on the scientific relevance of the abstract and its alignment with the conference topics. Each author may submit up to two abstracts.— Submissions through the EasyChair submission system.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • AI-Generated Art
  • Augmented Reality and Immersive Art
  • Art and Technology
  • AI in Music Composition
  • AI and Transhumanism
  • AI and Arts
  • AI and Design
  • AI and Film-making
  • AI and Game Development
  • Algorithmic Art & Design
  • Creative Coding
  • Computational Creativity
  • Digital Art and Communication
  • Digital Culture and Media
  • Digital Sound and Music
  • Digital Transmedia Storytelling
  • Digital Dance & Body Poetics
  • VideoArt and VideoMapping
  • Generative Art
  • Interactive Film
  • Generative Art
  • Information and Data Visualization
  • BioArt, NanoArt and xArt
  • Tangible and Gestures Interfaces
  • Digital Serious Game
  • Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences
  • Digital Intelligence and Social Impact
  • Digital Intelligence and Identity
  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Ethical Implications of Creative AI
  • Storytelling
  • Digital Narratives

The International Scientific and Artistic Committee comprises experts in various disciplines. The conference program will consist of keynote sessions by eminent specialists, oral presentations of the contributed papers, art installations and videos of work-in-progress.


Papers and Artefacts Submission Deadline
August 20th 2024
September 25th 2024
Extended Deadline – October 25th 2024

Acceptance Notice
November 25th 2024

Final Version
November 25th and 26th 2024

Early Bird Registration (all)
November 25th, 26th and 27th 2024

Author Registration Deadline
November 25th, 26th and 27th 2024

Participant Registration Deadline
December 3rd, 2024

Conference Days
December 5th and 6th, 2024


ARTeFACTo 2024 MACAO uses a double-blind reviewing process. As such, submitted papers/artefacts/installation proposals should not have any author and institutional identification in the title and header areas or the body of the paper.

  • Name, organization, country and e-mail addresses of each author
  • Name of the contact author
  • A list of keywords


Submissions must follow the IEEE guidelines.

Please refer to the following page for more instructions in preparing your article with Microsoft Word / Latex. Click here.

Photos, colour pictures or graphics must be inserted only on two pages (full paper) or one page (short paper, artefact/installation proposals).

The submission of a paper or art installation implies the intention of at least one of the authors to register and attend the conference to perform a spoken presentation. Papers accepted and presented by one of the authors will appear in the conference proceedings. The final version of accepted papers should be submitted with the names of the authors and institutions (there’s no need for a further blind review).


Papers will be published as a Book of Proceedings with ISBN / ISSN  and available through the University of Saint Joseph Macao, FAH, Digital Library.
Authors of selected papers presented at the conference (including essays describing the best art installations) will be published primarily as extended versions in the ART(e)FACT(o) Journal (ISSN: 2184-2086):
        • Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (ISSN: 1646-9798) ( (Web of Science, Scopus).


To be submitted over easy chair –



ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO will be held on the 24th and 25th of November 2022 at the University of Saint Joseph, in Macau S.A.R. (China) and hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The goal of the conference is to promote interest in the current digital media culture and its intersection with art, communication and technology as an important research field while focusing on the study of digital media artefacts, embracing topics covering their conceptualization, design, creative/art practice/research processes, computational implementation, exhibition and fruition as well their role in today’s information and knowledge society, fostering the establishment of the conceptual foundations of an artefact theory in the digital media world.

ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO aims at giving greater visibility to artefact creators and researchers, theorists or practitioners, establishing a common space for the discussion and exchange of new experiences while fostering a better understanding of digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices. To this end, we cordially invite scholars, teachers, researchers, artists, computer professionals, and others working within the broadly defined areas of digital media arts, communication, culture and education, with a specific focus on artefacts and artistic installations, to join us.

ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO‘s International Scientific and Artistic Committee comprises experts in various disciplines. The conference program will consist of keynote speakers by eminent specialists, oral presentations (local and remote) of the contributed papers, art installations, videos and posters of work in progress.

Keynote Speakers



Written by AI assistant: (
Dr. Lev Manovich is a digital culture theorist, writer, and artist whose work has had a profound impact on the way we think about media and technology today. His books include Cultural AnalyticsAI AestheticsInstagram and Contemporary Image, and The Language of New Media. He has been included in the list of “25 People Shaping the Future of Design” in 2013 and the list of “50 Most Interesting People Building the Future” in 2014. Recognized as one of the most influential voices in contemporary media theory, Dr. Manovich’s work is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the role of technology in contemporary society.




Samuel Bianchini is an artist and associate professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs—Paris (EnsAD) / PSL University Paris.

Supporting the principle of an “operational aesthetic,” he works on the relationship between the most forward-looking technological “dispositifs”, modes of representation, new forms of aesthetic experiences, and sociopolitical organizations, often in collaboration with scientists and natural science and engineering research laboratories.

His works are regularly shown in Europe and across the world: MAAT (Museum Art Architecture Technology, Lisbon), Zürcher Gallery (New York), Wood Street Galleries (Pittsburgh), Nuit Blanche Toronto, Waterfall Gallery (New York), Medialab Prado (Madrid), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Kunsthaus PasquArt (Biel), Art Basel, Institut Français of Tokyo, Stuk Art Center (Leuven), Fiac, Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Deutsches Hygiene-Museum (Dresden), National Museum of Contemporary Art (Athens), Jeu de Paume (Paris), Laboratoria (Moscow), Thessaloniki Biennale, Centre pour l’Image Contemporaine (Geneva), space_imA and Duck-Won Gallery (Seoul), Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo de Yucatán (Mexico), ZKM (Karlsruhe), Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, etc…


Biography & RESUME


Dr. Li Jiaqi, assistant professor, Faculty of Humanities and arts, Macau University of science and technology. Doctor of science, major in information technology. He has been engaged in teaching and scientific research in the direction of digital media for many years. He has published papers in image processing, artificial intelligence, game research and other

directions. He is a participant in the game industry and a deep participant in the ACG field. He is committed to studying independent game culture, game history and culture, Animation culture and other ACG subculture fields.



ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO will be held on the 24th and 25th of November 2022 at the University of Saint Joseph, Macao SAR, China.


University of Saint Joseph | The most International University in Macao.







Adérito Fernandes-Marcos, ARTECH-International / University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Carlos Sena Caires, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Álvaro Barbosa, University of Saint Joseph, Macao



Gerald Estadieu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Filipa Martins de Abreu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Filipe Pais, ENSAD, France
Koray Tahiroglu, Aalto University, Finland
Li Jiaqi, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao


Adam Nash, RMIT University (AU)
Adérito Fernandes-Marcos, ARTECH-International / University of Saint Joseph, Macao (CN)
Aleksei Lipovka, Siberian Federal University (RU)
Alexandra Cruchinho, Lusófona University (PT)
Alicia González-Pérez, University of Extremadura (ES)
Amilcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra (PT)
Ana Amélia Carvalho, University of Coimbra (PT)
Ana Cláudio Melo, Federal University of Pará (BR)
Ana Veloso, University of Aveiro (PT)
Anamaria Rezende Galeotti, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (BR)
Andrey Grigoriev, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (RU)
Andrew Denton, Auckland University of Technology (NZ)
André Baltazar, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
André Wilson Salgado, Federal Institute of Amazonas (BR)
Andre Perrotta, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Antenor Correa, University of Brasília (BR)
Anthony Lewis Brooks, Aalbor University (DK)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente (NL)
António Araújo, Portuguese Open University (PT) (Vice-President)
António Costa Valente, University of Algarve (PT)
Benjamin Falchuk, Peraton Labs (US)
Bongkeum Jeong, University of Madeira (PT)
Boris Vaitovic, Technical University of Kosic (SK)
Bruno Mendes da Silva, University of Algarve (PT)
Carlos Sena Caires, University of Saint Joseph, Macao (CN)
Cecilia de Lima, University of Lisbon (PT)
Cecilia Suhr, Miami University (USA)
Celso Prudente, Federal University of Mato Grosso (BR)
Cleomar Rocha, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Cristina Sá, Catholic University of Portugal – Porto (PT)
Daniel Brandão, University of Minho (PT)
David Mould, Carleton University (CA)
Dorotea Souza Bastos, Federal University of the Recôncavo da Bahia (BR)
Diogo Marques, Center for Portuguese Literature, University of Coimbra / wr3ad1ng d1g1t5 collective (PT)
Edson Pfutzenreuter, State University of Campinas (BR)
Eduardo Lima, Federal University of São João del-Rei (BR)
Emília Simão, Portucalense University / Portuguese Catholic University (PT)
Emilio Martinez, Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES)
Fabiana Wielewicki, Federal University of Amazonas (BR)
Fábio Santos de Andrade, Federal University of Rondônia
Fabrizio Augusto Poltronieri, De Montfort University (UK)
Filipe Salles, State University of Campinas (BR)
Gabriela Borges, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (BR)
Gavin Perin, University of Technology, Sydney
Gilbertto Prado, University of São Paulo (BR)
Gilvano Dalagna, University of Aveiro (PT)
Hanspeter Ammann, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Haroldo Gallo, State University of Campinas (BR)
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto
Helena Barranha, University of Lisbon (PT)
Hosana Celeste, Oliveira, Paulista State University (BR)
Ionat Zurr, University of Western Australia (AU)
Isabel Azevedo, ID+ University of Porto (PT)
Isabel Cristina Carvalho, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Isabel Soveral, University of Aveiro (PT)
Ivan Franco, McGill University (CA)
Joana Pestana, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
João Cordeiro, University of West London (UK)
João Paulo Queiroz, University of Lisbon (PT)
Jônatas Manzolli, State University of Campinas (BR)
Jorge Cardoso, University of Coimbra (PT)
Jorge Salgado Correia, University of Aveiro (PT)
José Alberto Gomes, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
José Gabriel Andrade, University of Minho (PT)
José Bidarra, Portuguese Open University (PT)
José Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (PT)
Júlio Borlido Santos, i3s – University of Porto (PT)
Leonel Morgado, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Lindsay Grace, University of Miami (USA)
Lucas Fabian Olivero, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Lucia Pimentel, Federal University of Minas Gerais (BR)
Lucia Santaella, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (BR)
Ludmila Pimentel, Federal University of Bahia (BR)
Luis Teixeira, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Luiz Carlos Ferreira , Federal Institute of Amazonas (BR)
Márcio Lobo Netto, University of São Paulo (BR)
Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Auckland University of Technology (NZ)
Marcos Mucheroni, University of São Paulo (BR)
Maria Amélia, Bulhões, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Maria de Lambert, Polytechnic Institute of Porto (PT)
Maria Luiza, Fragoso, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Maria Manuela Lopes, ESE – IPP, I3s- University of Porto and Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Mário Vairinhos, University of Aveiro (PT)
Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura (Cultural Association) (PT)
Masood Masoodian, Aalto University (FI)
Milton Sogabe, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Mirian Tavares, University of Algarve (PT)
Mirtes Oliveira, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Monica Tavares, University of São Paulo (BR)
Mónica Mendes, University of Lisbon (PT)
Nara Cristina, Santos, Federal University of Santa Maria (BR)
Né Barros, Balleteatro, ESAD – School of Arts and Design
Nelson Zagalo, University of Aveiro (PT)
Noeli Batista dos Santos, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Nuno Correia, Nova University of Lisbon (PT)
Nuno Dias, University of Aveiro (PT)
Nuno Martins, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
Nuno Do Nascimento Correia, University of Greenwich (UK)
Óscar Mealha, University of Aveiro (PT)
Pau Alsina, Open University of Catalonia (ES)
Paulo Bernardino, University of Aveiro (PT)
Paulo Emílio, University of Pernambuco (BR)
Paulo Teles, State University of Campinas (BR)
Patrícia, Gouveia, University of Lisbon (PT)
Pavel Orlov, London School of Mathematics and Programming (UK)
Pedro Alves da Veiga, Portuguese Open University (PT)
Pedro Andrade, University of Minho (PT)
Pedro Cabral Santo, University of Algarve (PT)
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra (PT)
Pilar Pérez Autónoma University of Madrid (ES)
Priscila Arantes, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Rachel Zuanon, Anhembi Morumbi University
Ralf Doerner, Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences (DE)
Rosana Monteiro, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Rosangella Leote, São Paulo State University (BR)
Rogéria Eler, Federal University of Goiás (BR)
Rogério Almeida, São Paulo University (BR)
Rui António, University of Algarve (PT)
Rui Penha, University of Porto (PT)
Selma Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (PT)
Sérgio Eliseu, University of Aveiro (PT)
Sol Alonso Romera, University of Vigo (ES)
Suzana Dias, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (PT)
Suzete Venturelli, Anhembi Morumbi University (BR)
Teresa Barradas, Polytechnic Institute of Beja (PT)
Tiago Batista, University of Lisbon (PT)
Tiago Cruz, University Institute of Maia (PT)
Vasco Branco, University of Aveiro (PT)
Victoria Vesna, University of California in Los Angeles – Design Media Arts (USA)
Vítor Sá, Catholic University of Portugal – Braga (PT)
Filipe Pais, École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (FR)
Ianis Lallemand, Esad TALM-Le Mans / École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (FR)
Samuel Bianchini, École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs (FR)
Gustavo Martins, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (PT)
Daniel Ribas, School of Arts, Catholic University of Portugal (PT)
Koray Tahiroglu, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland (FI)
Paulo Ferreira Lopes, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (G)
Hande Ayanoglu, Universidade Europeia (PT)
Raquel Morais, Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto (FBAUP), Portugal (PT)
Sheyla Zandonai, University of Macau (MO)
Mei Kei Lai, Macao Polytechnic University (MO)
Carlos Valente, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal (PT)



Filipa Martins de Abreu, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Daniel Filipe Farinha, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Sandra Ng, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Pedro Alves da Veiga, Portuguese Open University (PT)

Filipa Simões, WhyDesign, Macao
Filipe Afonso, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Francisco Vizeu Pinheiro, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
José Manuel Simões, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
João Nuno Brochado, University of Saint Joseph, Macao
Nuno Soares, University of Saint Joseph, Macao


Anabela Wong, University Secretariat Office, USJ, Macao
Hugo Domingos, University Secretariat Office, USJ, Macao


Rui Borges, University of Saint Joseph, Macao

ART(e)FACT(o) MACAO 2022 is hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Saint Joseph, Macao S.A.R. (China).



Call for Papers and Artworks


ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO has a conference format with technical sessions, invited talks, discussion panels, and exhibition areas for artefacts and installations. Contributions can be in full papers, short papers and proposals for artefact exhibitions/art installations.

Authors are invited to submit:

  • A full paper of six to ten pages for oral presentation. Artefact descriptions are welcome, embracing part of the overall creation process, from seminal concept, and implementation until the final exhibition preparation or the fruition experience analysis;
  • A short paper of up to four pages of conceptual and technical information concerning artefact/art installations and interactive artwork proposals.

Due to the current pandemic situation and the travel restrictions, the conference will be on a hybrid mode; on-site and online participation are welcome. We are welcoming digital representation of artefacts/art installations to present them in a virtual exhibition if possible.

Submissions are accepted in the conference’s official languages: English and Portuguese*.

*If your paper or artefact/installation proposal is in Portuguese, please prepare an English version of the title and abstract (200 to 500 words).


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

  • Virtual and Mixed Reality
  • Augmented Reality and Immersive Art
  • Art and Technology
  • Digital Art and Communication
  • Digital Culture and Media
  • Digital Sound and Music
  • Digital Transmedia Storytelling
  • Information and Data Visualization
  • Digital Dance & Body Poetics
  • VideoArt and VideoMapping
  • Interactive Film
  • Generative Art
  • Algorithmic Art & Design
  • BioArt, NanoArt and xArt
  • Tangible and Gestures Interfaces
  • Digital Serious Game
  • Art Game
  • Digital Poetry & Electronic Literature

ARTeFACTo 2022 MACAO uses a double-blind reviewing process. As such, submitted papers/artefacts/installation proposals should not have any author and institutional identification in the title and header areas, nor in the body of the paper.

Explicit self-references should be avoided. Instead, authors citing their own prior work should discuss it in the third person (“Previous work by <Author> [X1]…” instead of “In our previous work [X1]…”). Authors should also avoid mentioning the names of institutions where the work was done (“participants were recruited from the university campus”, instead of “participants were recruited from the <Institution name>”). Authors should also avoid clear identification of their affiliation in figures and supplementary material and remove metadata from submission files.


In addition to the anonymized text for each paper, separate identification info must be provided at Easy Chair:

  • Name, organization, country and e-mail addresses of each author
  • Name of the contact author
  • A list of keywords


Submissions must follow the IEEE guidelines.

Please refer to the following page for more instructions in preparing your article with Microsoft word / Latex. Click here.
Technical questions regarding the template can be directed to

Photos, colour pictures or graphics must be inserted only in two pages (full paper) or one page (short paper, artefact/installation proposals).

The submission of a paper or art installation implies the intention of at least one of the authors to register and attend the conference to perform a spoken presentation. Papers accepted and presented at the conference by one of the authors will appear in the conference proceedings. The final version of accepted papers should be submitted with the name of the authors and institutions (there’s no need for a further blind review).


Papers will be published as a Book of Proceedings with ISBN / ISSN  and available through FAH’s Digital Library. Also, the conference proceedings will be submitted to the international indexing database Scopus and Web Of Science (via IEEE sponsorship).
Authors of selected papers presented at the conference (including essays describing the best art installations) will be published primarily as extended versions in the ART(e)FACT(o) Journal (ISSN: 2184-2086) and also invited to submit extended versions to one of the following journals (under negotiation):
        • Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (ISSN: 1646-9798) ( (Web of Science, Scopus).
        • *Poetics – Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts (ISSN: 0304-422X) ( (Scopus)
        • *Revista Comunicar (ISSN:1134-3478) ( ) (Web of Science, Scopus)
        • *International Journal of Education through Art (ISSN: 1743-5234) (,id=121/ ) (Web of Science, Scopus)


Submit here:

Fees and Registration


Until 2022-10-31

Starting 2022-11-01

On-site Presentation
For Authors
Online Presentation
For Authors
On-site OR Online
For Participants (Non-Authors)


To register, please fill out the form, and follow the instructions.
Registration is mandatory for all participants.

COVID-19 Measures and Important notes for Tourists Visiting Macao

Macau Tourism Information

Latest epidemic-prevention measures for arrivals at Macao (COVID-19)

Important dates



Submissions Deadline Aug 2nd
(Extended Deadline
31st of August 2022)
Acceptance Notice Sept 30th, 2022
Final Version Oct 14th, 2022


Early Bird Registration (all) Oct 14th, 2022
Author Registration Deadline Nov 1st, 2022
Participant Registration Nov 24th, 2022